The librarian and the human assistant
The librarian and the human assistant

Concept visualization of a girl living among the owl librarian to assist within the grand library.

Concept visualization of a girl living among the owl librarian to assist within the grand library.
Friendly forest is a place I wanted to create using game art techniques and envision a stylized piece. It looks like a place one may wander to in their adventure.
Delicate yet dangerous. One achieved by being blessed by the guardian of the lotus garden. Design elements pulled from my Filipino heritage such as the usage of gold, vines of the deep forest, the blues for the sea that surrounds the islands, and the beauty and strength hand weapons had for the native islanders.
Sword wielded by those who cross into the land of fire. \"Insects are guiding creatures. Fireflies being ones that lead through the night. Wielding this, you being the guiding spirit. Let the light\'s flame be your key.\"
Crystal sword design. Based off of a geode