Breeze slide
Breeze slide
Luxome is dedicated to celebrating the essence of home and embracing a cozy living style. Recent trends in- dicated a broadening and increased flexibility in the definition and emotional connection associated with the concept of “home,” particularly with the re-emergence of bleisure and full-time RV lifestyles. In response to this evolving living pattern and the need to adapt to unforeseen circumstances, the Breeze Slide represents a versatile slipper design that not only provides the requisite flexibility but also aligns with Luxome’s expansive vision. The selection of materials is guided by a commitment to flexibility, durability in active movements, and with sustainability in mind. Bamboo fiber, chosen as the primary material, is characterized by its lightweight nature, breathability, and eco-friendly properties. Through various manufacturing processes, bamboo fabrics can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of different components within the footwear design. In terms of the color palette, the overarching principle is to incorporate both the foundational colors associated with the Luxome brand’s visual identity and the current fashion trends that complement the overall concept. The Dawn in Glacierconcept places blue as the primary visual element, evoking a sense of expansiveness and cinematic emotion. Conversely, the Stroll after Dinner theme emphasizes a connection to the natural and bio- based concepts, aligning with a more organic color palette.