
Ella Kociba



  • Visual Development Illustration
  • Character Art
  • Production Art
Employment Badge

Red Reign Falling (Original Project)

Red Reign Falling (Original Project)

Red Reign Falling is a story I began developing during middle school that has since long overstayed its welcome in my waking mind (affectionately). Its themes and characters mean a lot to me, so I would love to see it to completion as either a novel or comic series someday!

Evillious Chronicles

Evillious Chronicles

\\\"The Evillious Chronicles\\\" is a fantasy saga written by Japanese author/musical producer Mothy. The central storyline is told through songs, novelizations, manga, and even two stageplay adaptations! This project explores the Pride Arc of the Evillious Chronicles as if it were being adapted for Western 2D Television Animation. These designs are largely based upon those utilized in the official manga/novelization and music video illustration work done by artists Ichika and Suzunosuke, respectively.