Black Arts Movement Chicago: A Field Guide
Black Arts Movement Chicago: A Field Guide

The objective of this project was to design an object or experience that would teach the user/reader about a particular designer. I had originally picked Laini Abernathy to research as she was the first credited Black female record cover designer but unfortunately only a handful of her work was documented. This turned my attention to the greater art scene she belonged to, which was the Black Arts Movement in Chicago. Influenced heavily by the Black Panthers, BAM acted as the cultural arm of the Black liberation front. The book content is separated into visual artists, writers, organizations, and locations which were pivotal to the movement. The work produced by these artists and organizations is given its own section in which they are organized alphabetically. This encourages the reader to flip back and forth through the document and creates an exploratory experience. This act of discovery is important to the topic, which many-even those from Chicago- may be unaware of.